1. Delivery Terms
1.1 Transit Time Domestically
In general, domestic shipments (European countries) are in transit for 2 - 7 days.

1.2 Transit time Internationally
Generally, orders shipped internationally (Outside europe) are in transit for 2 -10 days. This varies greatly depending on the courier (We normally use UPS/DHL)

1.3 Dispatch Time
Orders are usually dispatched within 1 business days of payment of order
Our warehouse operates on Monday - Friday during standard business hours, except on national holidays at which time the warehouse will be closed. In these
instances, we take steps to ensure shipment delays will be kept to a minimum.

1.4 Change Of Delivery Address
For change of delivery address requests, we are able to change the address at
any time before the order has been dispatched. Contact us at [email protected]

1.5 P.O. Box Shipping
Odelyne will ship to P.O. box addresses using postal services only. We are
unable to offer couriers services to these locations.

1.6 Military Address Shipping
We are able to ship to military addresses. We are unable to offer
this service using courier services.

1.7 Items Out Of Stock
If an item is out of stock, we will dispatch the in-stock items immediately and
send the remaining items once they return to stock.

1.8 Delivery Time Exceeded
If delivery time has exceeded the forecasted time, please contact us so that we
can conduct an investigation.

2. Tracking Notifications
Upon dispatch, customers will receive a tracking link from which they will be
able to follow the progress of their shipment based on the latest updates made
available by the shipping provider.

3. Parcels Damaged In Transit
If you find a parcel is damaged in-transit, if possible, please reject the
parcel from the courier and get in touch with our customer service. If the
parcel has been delivered without you being present, please contact customer
service with next steps.

4. Cancellations
If you change your mind before you have received your order, we are able to
accept cancellations at any time before the order has been dispatched. If an
order has already been dispatched, please refer to our refund policy.

5. Insurance
Parcels are insured for loss and damage up to the value as stated by the

6.1 Process for parcel damaged in-transit
We will process a refund or replacement as soon as the courier has completed
their investigation into the claim.

6.2 Process for parcel lost in-transit
We will process a refund or replacement as soon as the courier has conducted an
investigation and deemed the parcel lost.

7. Customer service
For all customer service enquiries, please email us at [email protected]

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